sábado, 21 de abril de 2007

RMS y politica / Opensource y Comunismo

Leyendo Slashdot me encuentro una nota que habla sobre Richard Stallman cantando una parodia medio politica de Guantanamera (abajo el video en youtube) Más escándalo que otra cosa por cierto.

Probablemente para la mayoría de nosotros sea risible este acto hay quienes se molesten un poco por el FUD que puede salir alrededor del Software Libre y el OpenSource.

Particularmente todavía soy medio receloso con el asunto del Free Software, desde hace mas de seis años que uso linux y software libre me parece una excelente idea pero poniéndome un poco la mano en el corazón el asunto de definir libertades, ponerlas como máximas para el resto del mundo y llamarle inmoral al que hace software comercial o aquel que no quiera entrar dentro de las reglas del software libre pues ... no me gusta mucho, prefiero mejor el movimiento opensource altamente criticado por la misma gente del SoftwareLibre y con el ala media caída por su falta de acción o sus acciones medio errantes el asunto ese de Novell + Microsoft ha mellado un poco en la credibilidad de la utilidad de su existencia.

De los comentarios tostados de Slashdot estos son los más divertidos desde mi punto de vista torcido de diversión.

They will probably spin it as "Hey Cuba uses Linux and Free Software. Do you want to be a Communist too?" Reminds me of the picture that says something along the lines of "When you pirate music you help communism." Or something like that.

You pitch a product as being in-line with the ideological tenets of two dictatorships and you think you have a victory? This has probably set back the perception of linux in the enterprise just a bit. He'll probably play it down as much as possible.


You missed the point entirely.

I don't care if your government is democratic, communist, fascist, socialist, or a monarchy - running a modern government requires an assload of elements, systems, and processes to be in sync and dependable.

The ideology has nothing to do with it - the issue is that a complete government switch is taking place, and just because you disagree with the politics has nothing to do with the fact that if linux is suited to run these governments, chances are its well-suited to run many other governments.
Of course, the anarchists would have to do something like switch to an abacus or whatever.

"So, how's a dose of reality for a spin?"

Indeed. The irony when more-or-less communist regimes adopt free market solutions like open source while supposedly capitalist countries revel in state-granted monopoly production is palpable.

Looking at the economic history of communism and western economies it's more blind luck and communist incompetence and mismanagement than actual free markets that had the western democracies outperforming the soviet block eventually and for long enough to matter. Our own craptacular market failures like intellectual monopolies could very well have been enough to tip the balance the other way (and, heck, are part of what is tipping the balance the other way compared to China (despite Chinas own economic deficiencies)).

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

cada uno vende el software como quiere. Algunos tenemos que comer. Pero por el momento: Que viva el Software Libre!!!